Regulament Staff
Network-Tutorials :: Forum :: Regulament
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Regulament Staff
Toti membri staffului trebuie sa respecte aceste reguli!
1. Nu dati ban fara motiv.
2. Respectati membri forumului , nu va credeti superiori.
3. Stergeti topicurile inutile sau mutatile in "Recycle Bin"
4. Topicurile ce au titlu de genu "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "bbbbbbbbbbbb" "Ceeeeeeeeee faaaaaaaaac" va rog sa le stergeti.
5. Respectati regulamentul de user.
6. Pentru dublu , triplu post 3 zile ban.
7. Pentru spam 1-3 zile ban.
8. Pentru cont multiplu ban permanent.
9. Pentru limbaj obscen 3-10 zile.
10. Insultarea unui membru al stafului poate fi de la 5 la 30 zile.
11. Topicurile din zonele incorecte vor fi mutate la zona corespunzatoare.
12. Pentru reclama ban permanent.
14. Topicurile nu se inchid doar daca se ajunge la spam.
Respectati aceste reguli si nu vor fi probleme.
All staff members must follow these rules!
1. Do not give ban without reason.
2. Respect the board members , do not think you are superior.
3. Delete unnecessary topics or move them in "Recycle Bin"
4. Topics that have the title "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "bbbbbbbbbbbb" "Ceeeeeeeeee faaaaaaaaac" please delete them.
5. Respect the users rules.
6. For double, triple post 3 days ban.
7. For spam 1-3 days ban.
8. For multiple account ban permanent.
9. For obscene words 3-10 days.
10. Insulting a staff member may be from 5 to 30 days.
11. Topics that are in wrong areas will be moved in the correct area.
12. For advertising ban permanent.
Follow these rules and will not be problems.
1. Nu dati ban fara motiv.
2. Respectati membri forumului , nu va credeti superiori.
3. Stergeti topicurile inutile sau mutatile in "Recycle Bin"
4. Topicurile ce au titlu de genu "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "bbbbbbbbbbbb" "Ceeeeeeeeee faaaaaaaaac" va rog sa le stergeti.
5. Respectati regulamentul de user.
6. Pentru dublu , triplu post 3 zile ban.
7. Pentru spam 1-3 zile ban.
8. Pentru cont multiplu ban permanent.
9. Pentru limbaj obscen 3-10 zile.
10. Insultarea unui membru al stafului poate fi de la 5 la 30 zile.
11. Topicurile din zonele incorecte vor fi mutate la zona corespunzatoare.
12. Pentru reclama ban permanent.
14. Topicurile nu se inchid doar daca se ajunge la spam.
Respectati aceste reguli si nu vor fi probleme.
All staff members must follow these rules!
1. Do not give ban without reason.
2. Respect the board members , do not think you are superior.
3. Delete unnecessary topics or move them in "Recycle Bin"
4. Topics that have the title "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "bbbbbbbbbbbb" "Ceeeeeeeeee faaaaaaaaac" please delete them.
5. Respect the users rules.
6. For double, triple post 3 days ban.
7. For spam 1-3 days ban.
8. For multiple account ban permanent.
9. For obscene words 3-10 days.
10. Insulting a staff member may be from 5 to 30 days.
11. Topics that are in wrong areas will be moved in the correct area.
12. For advertising ban permanent.
Follow these rules and will not be problems.
Network-Tutorials :: Forum :: Regulament
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